Generate ‘grant’ statements like the following directly from the oracle database itself. This can be usedful for migrations. grant DELETE, INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE on PARTY_EULA_ACCEPTANCE to X_USER;grant DELETE, INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE on BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE to X_USER;grant DELETE, INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE on X_STATUS to X_USER;grant DELETE, INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE on X_STATUS to X_USER;grant DELETE, INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE on ACT_CY_PROCESS_SOLUTION to X_USER; The SQL SELECT 'grant ' || LISTAGG(privilege, ', ') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY grantee) || ' on ' || table_name || ' to ' || grantee || ';'FROM ALL_TAB_PRIVSWHERE table_schema = 'X' and table_name not like 'BIN$%'GROUP BY grantee,table_name;