Iron MQ Spring Integration Extensions
This project provides Spring Integration extensions for inbound and outbound channel adapters.
Configuring a Client Factory
Both the inbound and outbound adapters require a client factory which is responsible for creating an instance of an io.iron.ironmq.Client. This project provides a default implementation of the factory and a namespace handler.
The example below shows the creation of a default client factory using SpEL to get the IronMQ projectId and token values.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
<int-ironmq:default-client-factory id="clientFactory" ironmq-project="#{projectId}" ironmq-token="#{token}"/>
Configuring the Inbound Channel Adapter
Shown below is an example of an inbound channel adapter configuration. I will skip the requisite beans root element and default-client-factory element as it is shown above in the docs. The inbound queue can be defined either as a regular literal/SpEL at initialization or a SpEL expression evaluated each time receive() is called on the underlying MessageSource.
queue-name="queue1" client-factory="clientFactory">
<int:poller fixed-rate="5000" />
<!-- poller polling the queue name determined by the queue-name-expression -->
queue-name-expression="new String('whateverQueue')" client-factory="clientFactory">
<int:poller fixed-rate="5000" />
Configuring the Outbound Channel Adapter
Shown below is an example of an outbound channel adapter configuration. As above, I will skip the requisite beans root element. The queue-name value is a literal value below, but you can use expressions as well that will be evaluated each time receive() is called on the underlying MessageSource.
<!-- uses the specified queue 'queue1' -->
<int-ironmq:outbound-channel-adapter id="out1" queue-name="queue1" client-factory="clientFactory" channel="c1" />
<!-- pushes the message to the queue name based on the expression (in this case queue2) -->
<int-ironmq:outbound-channel-adapter id="out2" queue-name-expression="new String('queue2').toLowerCase()" client-factory="clientFactory" channel="c2" />
<!-- by default, the expression used is 'headers.ironmq_queue', so this -->
<!-- will send to whatever queue is identified in the message headers -->
<int-ironmq:outbound-channel-adapter id="out3" client-factory="clientFactory" channel="c3" />
The Iron MQ Java libraries used in this project were authored by @iron-io but they're not yet available on a central maven repository. You will need to install them into your local repository. You can install the file (currently checked in to this project under repo/... yeah, i know) via the following command:
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:2.3.1:install-file -Dfile=ironmq-0.0.9.jar -DgroupId=io.iron -DartifactId=ironmq -Dversion=0.0.9 -Dpackaging=jar
Support or Contact
Submit any issues on the GitHub issues page. I'll do my best to address any issues quickly.
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